Auth. | Date | Rev. | Notes |
JC | 2024/04/22 - | working revision | Adjusted for Cloud macros, prepared for Viewport publishing |
GmJ | 2024/01/17 2024/01/16
2023/05/05 | M | Updated coefficient values in Gordon & Garcia equations, Example-17 and Example-18. Added channel types turb19, turb20, temp42 to support Tu-25 turbidity sensor. Updated descriptions of simulation command and the Deployment Header to include a list of simulated channels. Corrected documentation of the corr_metsmeth equation in Example 10.
JmL/XY/GmJ | 2022/12/04 | L | Updated Integrating with a profiling float for derived channels with dynamic correction. Added description of valvesegments and valvesegment commands. Added description of scheduletype parameter to valve command, supporting segmented schedules. Improved description of twistactivation state. Added turb12, turb13, turb14, fluo43, fluo44, fluo47, temp38, sal_01 and temp40 to Supported Channel Types. Added external battery type fermata_nimh to description of powerexternal command. Updated description of device control flags in the Deployment Header, advanced header version to 2.003. Updated description of event markers in Standard format data. Formatting correction in sampling command description. Updated postprocessing command.
Internal revision, L3: Added command #bsl. Documented secured options and behaviour for the meminfo command. Documented the segmented schedule table for valves in the Deployment Header.
JmL/XY/GmJ | 2021/10/21 | K | Added description of the corr_irr2 equation. Updated description of the valve command. Updated postprocessing command. Added commands postprocessing_regimes and postprocessing_regime. Updated Integrating with a profiling float for use with postprocessing and dynamic correction. Documented ddsampling constraints and associated error message, version 1.135 or higher. Added cond14, pres29, temp31, temp35, temp36, tran03 to Supported Channel Types. Added doxy28, doxy32, doxy33, opt_15, opt24, temp37 to Supported Channel Types.tory only: added descriptions oftory only: added descriptions of Added irr_05, irr_06, par_05, par_06 to Supported Channel Types. Updated Error messages section, mostly improved formatting. Updated description of "Device section content" in Deployment Header section.
Internal revision, L3:
JmL/GmJ/PF | 2020/11/23 | J | |
GmJ/CJ/JmL | 2020/07/30 | H | |
GmJ/JmL/CJ | 2020/03/24 | G | Additions and corrections to the Deployment header section, primarily adding part 6 for devices. Added pause, resume, and pauseresume commands. Added confirmation option to sleep command. Added firmware versions supporting caltext07 format in outputformat command. Updated getall example. Updated regime command description for integrity checks.
Internal revision, L3: updated default values for valve powerondelay|poweroffdelay. hide Factory mode options of pauseresume command from External variant.
JmL/GmJ/BK | 2020/02/11 | F | Updated description of outputformat type caltext07 checksum for 4 digits. Added channel type turb11 in Supported Channel Types. Added valve command description Section "Operating an AzeroA instrument" updated to reflect usage of the valve command.
Internal revision, L3: |
JmL/GmJ/SC/BK | 2019/10/02 | E | Internal revision, L3: |
JmL/GmJ/SC | 2019/04/29 | D | Internal revision, L3: |
JmL/GmJ | 2019/02/26 | C | Added cond12, fluo41, hdng00, roll00, ptch00, fluo42, turb10, cond13, temp26, temp27 in Supported Channel Types. Added example for corr_cond2 equation. Minor formatting (indentation) improvements. Corrected regimes command behaviour description when increasing or decreasing regimes count. Added description of fwlock parameter to info command. Corrected "atmospheric pressure" to "sea pressure" in Garcia equation, Example 17. Added example for corr_cond3 equation. Updated High resolution BPR and frequency counters for cabled ocean observatories for A0A operations. Updated EasyParse format events markers and Standard format events markers for devices and power tracking events. Changed O2 saturation equation, Example 18.
Internal revision, L3:
JmL/GmJ | 2018/04/13 | B | |
GmJ/JmL/SC | 2018/01/04 | A | Initial L3 command reference release |