Serial streaming from serial port
Setting the correct baud rate
Here we set the baud rate to 115200 via the serial command.
>> serial
<< serial baudrate = 19200
>> serial baudrate = 115200
<< serial baudrate = 115200
% This response is sent at the old baudrate, 19200Bd.
% The host must now change its baudrate to 115200Bd.
Enabling the serial streaming
An instrument will start streaming measurements as soon as it is logging (see enable command) and serial streaming is enabled (see streamserial command). If the instrument memory is full, the instrument will continue streaming as long as the instrument should be logging (see deployment command). The outputformat command indicates which channels will be reported and sets the type of output format to be used.
Here is an example for an RBRduo³ T.D:
% Set output format type to caltext01 (4 digits after decimal point without units)
>> outputformat type = caltext01
<< outputformat type = caltext01
% What channels will be reported?
>> outputformat labelslist
<< outputformat labelslist = temperature_00|pressure_00
% Enabling logging
>> enable erasememory=true
<< enable status = logging, warning = none
% Instrument does not stream but is logging
% Enabling serial streaming
>> streamserial state = on
<< streamserial state = on
% Instrument starts sending measurements
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:14.000, 10.0110, 501.3213
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:14.500, 10.0241, 501.0201
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:15.000, 10.0248, 500.8246
% Disabling logging
>> disable
<< disable
% Instrument does not stream nor log anymore
Here is another example, with a RBRconcerto³ C.T.D:
% What channels will be reported?
>> outputformat labelslist
<< outputformat labelslist = temperature_00|pressure_00|salinity_00
% Set output format type to caltext02 (4 digits after decimal point with units)
>> outputformat type = caltext02
<< outputformat type = caltext02
% Enabling serial streaming
>> streamserial state = on
>< streamserial state = on
% At this moment, instrument does not log nor stream
% Enabling logging
>> enable erasememory=true
<< enable status = logging, warning = none
% Instrument starts sending measurements
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:14.000, 10.0110 C, 501.3213 dBar, 35.2012 PSU
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:14.500, 10.0241 C, 501.0201 dBar, 35.2013 PSU
<< 2000-01-01 00:10:15.000, 10.0248 C, 500.8246 dBar, 35.2001 PSU
% Disabling logging
>> disable
<< disable
% Instrument does not stream nor log anymore