>> power [ source | int | ext | reg ]
Reports parameters relating to the logger's power sources as follows:
source is one of the following names:
usb the logger is drawing power from the USB connection.
int the logger is drawing power from its internal battery.
ext the logger is drawing power from an external power source.
int reports the measured voltage of a standard logger's internal battery; for a short logger, reports n/a.
ext reports the measured voltage of any external power source attached.
reg reports the measured voltage of a short logger's internal voltage regulator; for a standard logger, reports n/a.
Support for short instruments starts with firmware version 1.080; earlier firmware versions do not report the reg parameter. A short instrument is one which takes only four AA cells instead of the standard eight. In a short instrument, a direct measurement of the internal battery can not be made, and the output of an internal voltage regulator is reported instead. Standard instruments do not have an equivalent regulator, but can monitor the battery voltage directly.
>> power
<< power source = usb, int = 12.40, ext = 0.00, reg = n/a
>> power int
<< power int = 12.39
Error E0108 invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>'
The supplied argument was not a recognized parameter name.
Error E0111 command failed
A requested parameter could not be measured because of an A/D converter failure.