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Deployment header

The deployment header is the first thing stored in memory by the data logger; it is written at the time of a successful enable command, and contains meta-information about the deployment and about the logger.

The details of the header contents do not depend on the data storage format used; only the location of the header is affected:

  1. in Standard format (rawbin00), the header is stored at the beginning of dataset-1, prior to any sample data or events.

  2. in EasyParse format (calbin00), the header is stored in dataset-2 by itself.  This header is not necessary for complete EasyParse downloads.

The section which follows describes only the current version; in general, newer versions contain only additions to previous versions.  A brief history of the versions is given below.


Brief description of changes

Main related command


Section 3 (deployment) includes a list of simulated channels



Section 6 (devices) includes segmented schedule table for BPR|zero

valve, valvesegments, valvesegment


Added Section 6 for details of installed devices



Added an internal parameter to Section 2



Original release of this overall format.


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