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Updating the instrument

The RBRcervello has a USB interface for retrieving data from the unit and for installing firmware and configuration updates.

An RBRcervello could be in a deep sleep state when the USB cable is connected. It might take up to 15 seconds to get registered on the computer

Tools needed

Initial steps

In order to retrieve data from the RBRcervello you need to use the diagnostic menu.

  1. Make sure the unit is powered.
  2. Connect the provided USB patch cable to the instrument and computer.

    Make sure that Ruskin isn't running when you connect the instrument.

  3. Open a serial terminal as described in Using the USB port.
  4. Disable the instrument using the "disable" command.
  5. Check that all the instruments are disabled using the "status" command.
  6. Use the "mount-storage" command to expose the data to the host computer.

    RBRcervello> mount-storage 
    Checking deployment status...
    Stopping services...
    Mounting data partition as read-only

    In MacOS the USB cable needs to be unplugged and replugged to the laptop in order for the drive to be detected.

  7. Uncompress the update-package provided in the root directory of the "RBR Update". Alternatively, open the zip file, then drag-and-drop the "rbrcervello" folder into the "RBR Update" drive. The folder structure should look like the screenshots on the right depending on what would be updated, the configuration files or the firmware.

    The configuration files can be tweaked by the end user according to the Configuration files reference.

  8. Eject the "RBR Update" drive from the computer before proceeding.

    Failing to eject the drive before disconnecting the cable or executing the unmount-storage command could result in a failed update.

  9. Use the "unmount-storage" command to cleanly disconnect the drive.

    It might take up to 5 minutes for the update to finish.

  10. Once the update process is finished, the instrument will reconnect again to the computer. If it doesn't, try unplugging the USB cable and replugging it.

Configuration update

Firmware update

Light indicator

While applying updates, the red light on the RBRcervello will flash steadily.  Once all updates are installed, the red light will cease flashing and the green light will turn on. At that point, the RBRcervello will reboot itself within 5 seconds. The green light will turn off.

If an error occurs during the process, the red light will repeatedly flash the Morse code representation of “SOS”: three short flashes, three long flashes, and three short flashes. If this occurs cContact us immediately at or via the  RBR website if there are any issues with your instrument.

Once the red light has turned off and stays off for several seconds, reconnect the instrument.

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