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Configuration files reference

Prepare a configuration file update package

In order to update the configuration files on the RBRcervello you will need to put the updated files inside the config folder using the following folder structure:

└── config
    ├── deployment01.json
    └── user.json

RBRcervello configuration file

The user.json file defines user-adjustable settings, such as sampling rates for batteries, deep sleep periods, and general behaviours of the controller.

user.json reference manual


    "file": {
        "date": "20230209000000",
        "version": "3.2.0",
        "schema": "0011713",
        "customer": "OSU"
    "controller": {
        "battery_period": 600,
        "deep_sleep": {
            "enabled": true,
            "schedule_period": 15
        "clock_sync_timeout": 43200
    "gps": {
        "enabled": true,
        "period": 7200,
        "fix_timeout": 300,
        "hdop_threshold": 4.1
    "instrument": [
            "enabled": true,
            "label": "UWP CTD|tilt",
            "type": "RBR",
            "config_file": "deployment01.json",
            "port": 1,
            "ssm": 0,
            "battery_period": 600,
            "can_be_stopped": true,
            "max_stopped_download_gap": 1382400,
            "enforce_max_dataset_size": true,
            "max_dataset_size": 1000000000,
            "processing": [
                    "subset": "raw",
                    "channel": [
                            "key": "cond19",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": 0.0,
                            "max": 150.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
                            "key": "temp14",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": 0.0,
                            "max": 150.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
                            "key": "pres24",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": 0.0,
                            "max": 150.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
                            "key": "acc_00",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": -2.0,
                            "max": 2.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
                            "key": "acc_00",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": -2.0,
                            "max": 2.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
                            "key": "acc_00",
                            "transmit": true,
                            "min": -2.0,
                            "max": 2.0,
                            "res": 0.0001
    "streaming": {
        "enabled": false
    "processing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "period": 1800,
        "time_series": true,
        "differential_encoding": true,
        "diagnostics": true
    "telemetry": {
        "enabled": true,
        "force_period": 3600,
        "preheat_timeout" : 300,
        "telemetry_timeout" : 360,
        "controller_trigger_enabled" : false,
        "schedule_trigger" : {
            "enabled" : false,
            "period" : 1800
        "pressure_trigger" : {
            "enabled" : true,
            "arming_pressure" : 24,
            "engage_pressure" : 20,
            "telemetry_pressure" : 12
        "no_attempt_window" : 100,
        "mode": ["gsm"],
        "gsm": {
            "failures_before_unavailable": 3,
            "retry_period": 7200,
            "apn": "auto",
            "destination": ""
        "rudics": {
            "failures_before_unavailable": 3,
            "retry_period": 7200,
            "dial": "00881600005385"

Logger configuration file

The deployment01.json file contains instrument deployment settings and is used by the controller to reset and configure the instrument to a known state before starting the deployment. The most important parameter found in it is the sampling regime of the logger.

deployment01.json reference manual


     "file": {
          "date": "20230209000000",
          "version": "3.1.0",
          "schema": "0011711",
          "customer": "OSU"
     "id": {
          "fwtype": 104
     "part": {
        "bomnumber": "0013326",
        "description": "UWP CTD|tilt"
     "deployment": {
          "channel 1": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 2": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 3": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 4": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 5": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 6": {
               "status": "on"
          "channel 7": {
               "status": "off"
          "channel 8": {
               "status": "off"
          "channel 9": {
               "status": "off"
          "channel 10": {
               "status": "off"
          "channel 11": {
               "status": "off"
          "sampling": {
               "mode": "continuous",
               "period": 63,
               "burstlength": 10,
               "burstinterval": 300000
          "ddsampling": {
               "direction": "ascending",
               "fastperiod": 63,
               "slowperiod": 10000,
               "fastthreshold": 15,
               "slowthreshold": 12
          "deployment": {
               "starttime": 20000101000000,
               "endtime": 20380101000000
          "streamserial": {
               "state": "off"
          "streamusb": {
               "state": "off"
          "settings": {
               "fetchpoweroffdelay": 20000,
               "sensorpoweralwayson": "off",
               "temperature": 15.0000,
               "atmosphere": 10.1325010,
               "pressure": 10.1325,
               "density": 1.0260209,
               "speccondtempco": 0.0191,
               "salinity": 35.0000,
               "avgsoundspeed": 1506.8000,
               "altitude": 0.0000,
               "castdetection": "on",
               "inputtimeout": 10000
          "thresholding": {
               "enabled": false,
               "interval": 1000,
               "channelindex": 3,
               "condition": "below",
               "value": 90
          "memformat": {
               "newtype": "calbin00"
          "outputformat": {
               "type": "caltext01"
          "confirmation": {
               "state": "on"
          "prompt": {
               "state": "on"
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