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The RBRcervello  system comprises multiple components, and thus troubleshooting may be a multi-stage process. There are separate procedures to verify correct functionality of each component.

Follow the steps outlined in Using the USB port to open the command menu. Refer to Deployment preparation for the detailed description of how to run diagnostic tests.

Communication issues

  1. Using the status command, check the status of the instrument.

  2. If the instrument status is commchannelerror, go to MLM troubleshooting.

  3. If the instrument status is loggererror, use Ruskin to check if your logger is communicating at 19200baud.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 11.34.19 AM.png

If you change any settings on Ruskin, clear the data from the instrument and the data controller, as described in Deployment preparation.

Modem issues

If any of the modem diagnostic tests fails unexpectedly, refer to the specific troubleshooting section:

Weather station issues

If the system seems to receive incorrect navigation readings, refer to Airmar weather station troubleshooting.

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