transparent-link [-h|--help] | [-v|–version]
transparent-link [-p|--port] <port>
-h, --help
Displays this help message and exits.
-v, --version
Outputs version information and exits.
-p, --port <port>
Selects a specific port number to interact with. Defaults to 1.
Stops all services permanently and open a transparent link with the chosen serial port.
BRcervello> transparent-link
Checking deployment status...
Stopping services...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Connected. Press CTRL-C to exit when done.
When the port number is not entered, the command defaults to Port 1.
RBRcervello> transparent-link -p 2
Checking deployment status...
Stopping services...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron failed!
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Connected. Press CTRL-C to exit when done.