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Software overview

The RBRcervata is capable of fully managing RBR loggers connected to it according to the settings stored in it. This includes downloading, clock syncing, dataset rollover and configuration. All of the user-accessible controls are available through a serial console on its Diagnostic Port (115200 8N1).

Diagnostic menu

This menu can be accessed via the diagnostic port using an RS232 interface (115200 8N1). This menu is a fully-featured Bash terminal (Restricted Bash) with 'tab' completion. The available commands are shown by executing the 'help' command. You will find all you need to set up a deployment using the RBRcervata and RBR loggers. As a quick in menu reference, each command prints a short manual by executing them with the '-h' or '--help' argument to it.

RBRcervello Menu.

These are the available commands to manage RBRcervello

   disable               Disable deployment.
   status                Provide a general overview or detailed information on
                         controller and instruments.
   diagnose              Diagnostics for MLM and telemetry.
   transparent-link      Establish a transparent link to an instrument 
                         serial port. 
   config-check          Print the current configuration of a specific RBR 
   edit-config           Edit the current configuration of a specific 
                         RBR subsystem.
   set-instrument-clock  RBR instrument clock sync.
   set-cervello-clock    RBRcervello clock setter.
   cervello-clock        RBRcervello clock checker.
   scrub-controller      Clear all data stored in the SD card.
   scrub-instrument      RBR instrument scrubber.
   enable                Enable deployment according to internal configuration
   reboot-controller     Reboot system as if it had entered deep-sleep and 
                         waken up.
   help                  Show this menu.


See the reference for more information:

Diagnostic menu

Help prompt example

'status-check' help.

Configuration files

The RBRcervata's behaviour can be described using its configuration files, Cervello configuration and Instrument configuration. The former defines how the RBRcervata is going to behave while the former dictates the configuration to be loaded into each instrument for each deployment.

See the reference for more information:

Behaviour in an active deployment

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