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Instrument configuration file

The deployment configuration or instrument is a JSON file stored in the RBRcervata. It contains instrument deployment settings and is used by the controller to reset the instrument to a known state before starting the deployment.

The file/version tag should reflect the specification version to which the configuration file will conform. For RBRcervatas with firmware version 1.014, it would be version "3.000".

Only a section labelled "deployment" which has no parents is used in the file. These commands are parsed as the following; the nodes hierarchically below "deployment" are designated as the [command] and the key-value pairs below that are then set to the [attribute] and [value] respectively. For each line a command is synthesized which has the format '[command] [attribute] = [value]'. So the following example section:

     "file": {
          "version": 3.000
     "deployment": {
          "sampling": {
               "mode": "continuous",
               "period": 125,
          "deployment": {
               "starttime": 20000101000000,
               "endtime": 20990101000000,

Would issue the following commands to the logger:

sampling mode = continuous
sampling period = 125
deployment starttime = 20000101000000
deployment endtime = 20990101000000

Anything in the "settings" section of the file would trigger a corresponding permit command to be issued first. See for command information.

Example files

BPR|zero example.json

APT example.json

Modifying configuration files on an RBRcervata

A command called "edit-config" is available within the diagnostic menu of the RBRcervata for editing the configuration files. For modifying an instrument configuration file you can issue the following command:

edit-config -c instrument01

If you would like to have an empty file as a starting point add "-n" or "--new-file" parameter to the command:

edit-config -n -c instrument01

You'll be greeted with a file opened in nano for ease of use in the terminal environment. If you chose to start from an empty file, you can copy/paste the entire text on it.

After you finish editing it, press Ctrl+o, enter and then Ctrl+x. It will ask for confirmation in case something went wrong, press 'y' if you want the file to be permanently saved or anything else to cancel the edition.

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