

>> deployment [ starttime | endtime | status ]




Allows various parameters to be reported or set for the current deployment.

  • starttime [=<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>], retrieve or set the start date and time of the next deployment.

  • endtime [=<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>], retrieve or set the end date and time of the next deployment.

  • status is a read-only parameter which returns the current state of the finite state machine for the instrument's logging function. Possible values are given below:
    1. disabled : logging is not enabled.
    2. pending : logging is enabled but before the start time.
    3. logging : logging is in progress.
    4. paused: logging paused, waiting for a resume command.
    5. gated : logging paused, waiting for a gating condition to be satisfied.
    6. finished : the programmed end time has been passed.
    7. stopped : a disable command was received.
    8. fullandstopped : memory full, logging has stopped.
    9. full : memory full, logger continues to stream data.
    10. failed : stopped, internal error.
    11. notblank : memory failed to erase.
    12. unknown : internal error, state unknown.

Most of these are self explanatory. In the very unlikely event that they occur at all, the states failednotblank and unknown arise from serious internal errors, and ideally the instrument should be returned to RBR Ltd for further analysis. However, if it would be preferable to attempt deployment anyway, try these recover procedures.

  1. Send a permit memclear and memclear sequence, which may succeed in erasing the memory and resetting the instrument status to disabled. It may then be possible to continue using the logger and to enable it for a new deployment.
  2. Send a reboot command, using the delay parameter if communicating over a USB link, then try (1) above.
  3. Remove all batteries, power, and USB connections from the logger for at least five minutes. Replace the batteries or apply power, set the correct date and time (see the clock command), then try (1) above.

If the failed status resulted from an attempt to enable the logger, then either it failed to store a deployment header in memory, or the alarm time for the next sample could not be correctly loaded into the Real Time Clock/Calendar. If the logger does have a fault, the second case could happen again at any time during a deployment, so there is a risk that the logger may fail again and the deployment will terminate early.

In any event the instrument should be returned to RBR Ltd for further analysis at the earliest available opportunity, with as much detail as possible about the circumstances of the failure.


>> deployment
<< deployment starttime = 20171214000000, endtime = 20171214000000, status = disabled
>> deployment starttime = 20171217120000
<< deployment starttime = 20171217120000
>> deployment status
<< deployment status = disabled
>> enable
<< enable status = logging
>> deployment status
<< deployment status = logging


Error E0105 command prohibited while logging 
starttime and endtime can not be modified while logging is in progress; reading is permitted.

Error E0108 invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>' 
The supplied argument was not a valid date/time.