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XR Logger sleep current test

The sleep current of the logger can be tested to determine if the electronics are damaged. Ensure the instrument is not logging and the batteries are removed before you begin. The body on the logger can be removed or left on when testing the sleep current of an XR logger. To remove the main body, you must remove the black battery carrier. If the battery carrier is left in place, it will break the backplane PCBA.

Connect an ammeter and external power source to the logger in series (Figs. 1-3).

                                     Fig. 1

Attach the positive connection to the battery contact labeled as positive. Attach the negative connection, or ground, to the negative battery contact. 

                                     Fig. 2                                                           Fig. 3

Use an input voltage of 12V for the test. 

Typically, a current of less than 32 microamps (μA) is expected.  If the current is higher than 100 microamps (μA), there is likely an issue with the instrument. Contact us at for advice

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