What's the difference between Tide and Wave modes in Ruskin?
Tide sampling mode is similar to Average, as the instrument will also collect data at a certain rate, and then average those samples to produce a single value to store on the instrument. However, when set to Tide, the instrument uses averaging to remove wave noise data from pressure measurements. At every interval, the instrument records only one sample, averaged over all samples collected during the period of Duration. The rest of the samples are discarded after averaging is performed.
Both instruments with the | tide16 and | wave16 features support Tide sampling mode.
Wave sampling mode is similar to Burst, as the instrument will also collect a specified number of samples at a specified rate, and repeat this operation at a specified interval. When in Wave mode, the instrument takes multiple pressure readings in a burst and reconstructs the surface wave time series. This mode records both tide and wave information.
Only instruments with the | wave16 feature support Wave sampling mode.
Refer to Ruskin user guides (L3 or SL3) for more information on Tide and Wave modes.