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O2 saturation derived from concentration

Consider an RBRconcerto³ with an integrated RBRcoda³ T.ODO or Aanderaa Optode DO sensor. The dissolved oxygen sensor transfers both the foil temperature and the dissolved oxygen concentration (not compensated for salinity). The RBRconcerto³ calculates the concentration compensated for salinity first, then the air saturation (in %) via the following equation:


  • Cc is the concentration in uMol/L, compensated for salinity,
  • Patm is atmospheric pressure, and
  • Pav is air vapour pressure.

Solubility is calculated via Gordon and Garcia as:

where S is the salinity in PSU and Ts is defined as:

with T being the water temperature in °C and:

Air vapour pressure (in dbar) is calculated as:

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