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Release date: 21 November 2018


This notice pertains to the following instruments:

RBRsolo3 D

The notice pertains to the following sampling regimes:

Tide, Wave

Based on a measurement error during the time that the RBRsolo3 D was being developed, Ruskin has been incorrectly estimating the deployment duration for depth, wave, and tide measurements. In some extreme cases, the actual deployment duration may be only 30% of the value predicted in earlier versions.


  • RSK-6445 - Improved calculation for derived oxygen saturation from an RBRcoda ODO

Bug Fixes

  • RSK-6416 - Limit sampling rates during continuous sampling for |tide16 instruments
  • RSK-6435 - Update autonomy figures for RBRsolo3 and RBRduet3 instruments
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