Release date: 07 September 2018
New Features
- RSK-6167 - Wave statistics are calculated for datasets stored in mobile format
- RSK-6242 - Add simulation for Turner C-sense pCO2
- RSK-6264 - Added extended battery carriage option to deployment options
- RSK-6305 - Added support for the RBRlegato3
- RSK-6038 - Sampling speed widget type retained when 1s is selected
- RSK-6199 - Ensure all content is signed for installation
- RSK-6278 - Update to splash screen
- RSK-6279 - Added default correction coefficients for deep conductivity cells
- RSK-6281 - Improve statistics data acquisition
- RSK-6285 - Improve initial display of new GPS annotations
- RSK-6308 - Added new channel for deep conductivity cells
Bug Fixes
- RSK-6204 - Offset field in downloads table doesn't always start at 0 for easyparse datasets
- RSK-6224 - Incorrect number of channels reported in tooltip for output format selection
- RSK-6248 - Unable to start calibration run for RBRcoda T instruments
- RSK-6253 - Incorrect deployment estimates for RBRsolo3 Tu
- RSK-6263 - Incorrect file type stored for easyparse files
- RSK-6265 - Incorrect parsing of download from RBRsolo D|tide (Mid 2013 generation)
- RSK-6286 - Tooltip for annotation close doesn't always reflect current state
- RSK-6293 - Incorrect number of events reported
- RSK-6294 - Cannot compute statistics for directional sampling
- RSK-6299 - Unable to access rate widget for regimes sampling
- RSK-6300 - Error configuring instrument when plot is closed
- RSK-6306 - Minimum sampling period increases once instrument is enabled
- RSK-6307 - File browser dialog opens behind the firmware upgrade dialog