Release date: 2019-04-23
- Limited release for BPR|zero systems, not generally available
- Requires Ruskin 2.6.4
New Features
- UWA-7 - device 1 timetoepisode option added, reports time in milliseconds to start of next episode.
- UWA-10 - Added startimmediate option, gives the ability to suppress the first episode at the start of a deployment or after reset.
Bug Fixes
- UWA-10 - Schedule variables properly initialized at both start of deployment and reset.
- UWA-10 - Device schedule parameters (interval and duration) refreshed at start of next interval to reflect any changes made.
- L3-634 - Better handling of scheduled events avoids locking the command processor
- L3-635 - Suppress spurious valve actions at start of deployment
- UWA-7 - Stricter control of access to valve for scheduled events and command line actions