: file name of the RSK database
- readHiddenChannels: read hidden channel when set as true, default is false.
: structure containing the logger metadatadbid
: database id returned from mksqlite
This function makes a connection to an RSK (SQLite format) database as obtained from an RBR data logger and reads in the instrument's metadata. It creates a structure that contains the metadata and, for some files, a subset of the data referred to as downsample.
file = 'sample.rsk';
rsk = RSKopen(file);
The code block below shows an example for using RSKopen.m
>> rsk = RSKopen('sample.rsk');
rsk =
toolSettings: [1x1 struct]
dbInfo: [1x1 struct]
instrumentChannels: [7x1 struct]
channels: [7x1 struct]
epochs: [1x1 struct]
schedules: [1x1 struct]
deployments: [1x1 struct]
instruments: [1x1 struct]
appSettings: [1x1 struct]
ranging: [7x1 struct]
continuous: [1x1 struct]
parameters: [1x1 struct]
parameterKeys: [23x1 struct]
region: [762x1 struct]
regionCast: [508x1 struct]
profiles: [1x1 struct]
log: {1x2 cell}
A brief explanation of each field and sub-fields is as below:
- toolSettings: settings of RSKtools
- filename: file name of the rsk file being read
- readHiddenChannels: value determining if RSKtools will read hidden channels or not
- dbInfo: database info
- version: Ruskin version reading rsk file
- type: rsk file type
- instrumentChannels: channels from the instrument, including instrument ID, channel ID, channel order and channel status.
- channels: channels read into rsk structure, include channel short name, long name and units. Note that this might be different from instrumentChannels, depending on how users set `readHiddenChannels` in `RSKopen`.
- epochs: programmed start and end times set in the logger
- deploymentID
- startTime: programmed start time
- endTime: estimated end time based on available memory or power
- schedules: schedules set in the logger
- scheduleID
- instrumentID
- mode: sampling mode
- gate: gate condition
- deployments: deployment info
- deploymentID
- instrumentID
- comment
- loggerStatus: status of the logger
- loggerTimeDrift: the difference between the logger's clock and the computer's clock at the time of download, displayed in milliseconds.
- timeOfDownload: time when the data is downloaded from the logger to the computer
- name: rsk file name and directory
- sampleSize: number of samples during the deployment
- instruments: instrument and firmware info
- instrumentID
- serialID: serial ID of the instrument
- model: model of the instrument
- firmwareVersion: firmware version
- firmwareType: firmware type
- appSettings: Ruskin settings
- deploymentID
- ruskinVersion
- ranging: info of channel mode and gain
- continuous (or other mode name): mode info
- continuousID
- scheduleID
- samplingPeriod: sampling period in milliseconds
- parameters: parameters info
- parameterID
- tstamp: time stamp when the parameters were changed in the rsk file
- parameterKeys: parameter ID, key and value
- region: table contains regionID, event type, start/end time stamps and labels
- regionCast: table contains regionID, regionProfileID and cast type
- profiles: profiles info
- downcast: start and end time stamp for each downcast
- upcast: start and end time stamp for each upcast
- orders: orders of casts (downcast or upcast first)
- log: work log, details on each step of calling RSKtools functions
requires a working mksqlite library. We have included four versions here in the toolbox for Windows (32/64 bit), Linux (64 bit) and Mac (64 bit), but you might need to compile another version. The source code can be downloaded from RSKtools currently uses mksqlite Version 2.5.
About readHiddenChannels
Please note that the hidden-channel data is accessible only when it is available in the RSK table. For the RSK with the type of EPdesktop, hidden-channel data is not stored in RSK file, thus, not readable even with readHiddenChannels = True.