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  • RSK


  • soundSpeedAlgorithmUNESCO (default), DelGrosso or Wilson


  • RSK

The function computes the speed of sound using temprature, salinity and pressure data. It provides three methods: UNESCO (Chen and Millero), Del Grosso and Wilson, among which UNESCO is default.


rsk = RSKderivesoundspeed(rsk,'soundSpeedAlgorithm','DelGrosso')


C-T. Chen and F.J. Millero, Speed of sound in seawater at high pressures (1977) J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62(5) pp 1129-1135

V.A. Del Grosso, New equation for the speed of sound in natural waters (with comparisons to other equations) (1974) J. Acoust. Soc. Am 56(4) pp 1084-1091

W. D. Wilson, ?Equations for the computation of the speed of sound in sea water, Naval Ordnance Report 6906, US Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland, 1962.

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