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  • tstamp  : an array of time stamps (datenum format) of size (n,1)
  • values  : a matrix of data of size (n,m)
  • channel : cell array with channel names of size (1,m)
  • unit  : cell array with channel units of size (1,m)


  • filename  : file name to give a general description of the data, default is `sample.rsk` 
  • model : instrument model from which data was collected, default is `unknown`
  • serialID  : serial ID of the instrument from which data was collected, default is 0


  • RSK : RSK structure with user-provided time series data 

RSKcreate creates an rsk structure containing data and channels specified by the user.  For example, the data could originate from a CTD on a profiling float or a glider.  The data could even come from CTDs from manufacturers.  The purpose of this function is to allow users to easily apply RSKtools post-processing and visualization functions to any dataset. It is particularly convenient when one needs to compare data measured with an RBR CTD to other sources (e.g., other CTDs or bottle samples).


tstamp = [735722.625196759;
values =  [39.9973,   16.2695,   10.1034;
           39.9873,   16.2648,   10.1266;
           39.9887,   16.2553,   10.1247];
channel = {'Conductivity','Temperature','Pressure'};
unit = {'mS/cm','°C','dbar'};
rsk = RSKcreate(‘tstamp’,tstamp,‘values’,values,‘channel’,channel,‘unit‘,unit);
h = RSKplotdata(rsk);
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