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  • RSK 


  • profile : [ ] (all profiles, default).
  • direction : down (default) or up.
  • binBy : sea pressure (default), any other channel or time.
  • binSize : [1] (default, units of binBy)
  • boundary : [ ] whole range (default)
  • visualize: show plot with original and processed data on specified profile(s)


  • RSK
  • samplesinbin - amount of samples in each bin

This function bins samples that fall within an interval and averages them, it is a form of data quantization.

The bins are specified using two arguments: binSize and boundary.

  1. binSize is the width (in units of binBy channel; i.e., meters if binned by depth) for each averaged bin. Typically the binSize should be a denominator of the space between boundaries, but if this is not the case, the new regime will start at the next boundary even if the last bin of the current regime is smaller than the determined binSize.
  2. boundary determines the transition from one binSize to the next. 

The cast direction establishes the bin boundaries and sizes. If the direction is up, the first boundary and binSize is closest to the seabed with the next boundaries following in descending order If the direction is down the first boundary and bin size is closest to the surface with the next boundaries following in descending order

The boundary takes precedence over the bin size. (Ex. boundary= [5 20], binSize = [10 20]. The bin array will be [5 15 20 40 60...]).

The default  binSize is 1 dbar and the boundary is between minimum (rounded down) and maximum (rounded up) sea pressure, i.e, [min(sea pressure) max(sea pressure)].

A common bining system is to use 1dbar bins from 0.5 dbar to the maximum sea pressure value. Here is the code and a diagram:

rsk = RSKbinaverage(rsk, 'direction', 'down', 'binSize', 1, 'boundary', 0.5);

The figure above shows an original Temperature time series plotted against Sea Pressure in blue.
The dotted lines are the bin limits.
The red dots are the averaged Temperature time series after being binned in 1dbar bins.
The Temperature values are centered in the middle of the bin (between the dotted lines) and are an average
of all the values in the original time series that fall within the determined interval.

The diagram and code below describe the bin array for a more complex binning with different regimes throughout the water column:

[rsk, samplesinbin] = RSKbinaverage(rsk, 'direction', 'down', 'binBy', 'Depth', 'binSize', [10 50], 'boundary', [10 50 200])

Note the discarded measurements in the image above the 50m dashed line. Once the samples have started in the next bin,
the previous bin closes, and further samples in that bin are discarded.

The diagram and code below gives an example when the average is done against time (i.e. binBy = 'time'), with unit in seconds. Here we average for every ten minutes (i.e. 600 seconds).

[rsk, samplesinbin] = RSKbinaverage(rsk, 'binBy', 'Time', 'binSize', 600);

The figure above shows an original Temperature time series plotted against Time in blue. 
The dotted lines are the bin limits. 
The red dots are the averaged Temperature time series after being binned in 10 minutes bins. 
The Temperature values are centered in the middle of the bin (between the dotted lines) and are an average of all the values in the original time series that fall within the determined interval.

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