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  • RSK


  • RSK
  • profile - profile number(s) to which station data should be assigned. Defaults to all profiles

  • latitude - must be of data type numerical

  • longitude - must be of data type numerical
  • station - Nx1 character array or cell array of strings with length equal to the number of profiles

  • cruise - character array or cell array of strings

  • vessel - character array or cell array of strings

  • depth - numerical 

  • date - character array or cell array of strings

  • weather - character array or cell array of strings

  • crew - character array or cell array of strings

  • comment - character array or cell array of strings

  • description - character array or cell array of strings


  • RSK

The function appends station data to data structure with profiles, including latitude, longitude, station, comment, etc. The function is vectorized, which allows multiple station data inputs for multiple profiles. But when there is only one station data input for multiple profiles, all profiles will be assigned with the same value.


rsk = RSKaddstationdata(rsk,'latitude',45,'longitude',-25,'station',{'SK1'},'vessel',{'R/V RBR'},'cruise',{'Skootamatta Lake 1'})
% -OR-
rsk = RSKaddstationdata(rsk,'profile',4:6,'latitude',[45,44,46],'longitude',[-25,-24,-23],'comment',{'Comment1','Comment2','Comment3'});

Note that the station data entries will be added to the headers in the files written by RSK2CSV and RSK2ODV.

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