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GSM/LTE modem troubleshooting

This test requires the RBRcervello to have an activated SIM-card installed in the GSM modem as described in Telemetry. If GSM is not going to be used in this deployment, this test can be omitted.

After finishing the previous test, wait for the "RBRcervello>" prompt to appear again. Type "diagnose gsm" and press enter. The GSM test will wait for any ongoing communication to finish and will diagnose the connection to the internet via the GSM modem.

RBRcervello> diagnose gsm
Checking deployment status...
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Starting GSM test
I think the GSM modem is on /dev/ttymxc1 at 230400 baud.
Waiting for the modem to come up for 68 seconds...
Modem is up.
Waiting for PPP connection to the modem...
Established PPP connection to the modem. Modem identifiers:
IMEI: 860195999999999
IMSI: 302729999999999
ICCID: 89302720533999999999
Waiting for the modem to connect to the GSM network..
Reconnecting for Internet access (1/2)...
    Bringing PPP connection down...
    Bringing PPP connection back up...
    Waiting for the PPP connection to become the default route
Making sure we can access the web...
The modem connection is up.
The serial link has been brought down.
Powering off the modem.
Brought the gsm connection up successfully.

Failure, bad SIM-card

RBRcervello> diagnose gsm
Checking deployment status...
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Starting GSM test
I think the GSM modem is on /dev/ttymxc1 at 230400 baud.
Waiting for the modem to come up for 68 seconds...
Modem is up.
Waiting for PPP connection to the modem...
Established PPP connection to the modem. Modem identifiers:
IMEI: 860195999999999
Waiting for the modem to connect to the GSM
network.....................................................Hit the connection timeout!
Giving up.
Test failure: failed to bring up connection!
The serial link has been brought down.
Powering off the modem.

If so, remove and re-insert the SIM card in the tray in the SIM1 position, as explained in the Telemetry section.

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