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Replacing desiccant

Replace desiccant before each deployment. One spare desiccant canister is included in the support kit.

Fresh desiccant will keep the RBRcervello compartment dry and prevent malfunction. Water damage may occur if condensation forms inside the controller.

As a preventative measure, RBR recommends servicing the instrument in a cool, dry place (when possible).

Replacing the desiccant canister

  1. Remove the battery end-cap and pull out the internal assembly. See Opening the controller.

  2. Unclip the desiccant canister from the holder.

  3. Insert the new desiccant canister into the holder.

  4. Insert the internal assembly into the RBRcervello housing. See Closing the controller.

Desiccant canister holder

Desiccant canister fully inserted

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