diagnose [-h|--help] | [-v|--version]
diagnose <command>
-h, --help
Displays this help message and exits.
-v, --version
Outputs version information and exits.
Diagnoses MLM communication.
Diagnoses GSM telemetry.
Diagnoses Iridium RUDICS telemetry.
Runs the compass calibration.
Performs in-depth tests for telemetry and MLM links.
Ensures correct HEM and SSM configuration on every connected device.
Ensures connectivity through GSM to the Internet.
Ensures connectivity through Iridium RUDICS to the Internet.
Ensures the compass is calibrated in the current environment.
RBRcervello> diagnose rudics
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Starting RUDICS test
I think the RUDICS modem is on /dev/ttyS4 at 2400 baud.
Waiting for the modem to come up...
Teraform v1.1.2 (built 2021-10-27T13:30:04+0000)
2021-10-29 05:55:19 src/teraform.c:364 [INFO ]: Modem: "/dev/ttyS4"
2021-10-29 05:55:19 src/teraform.c:367 [INFO ]: Dial number: "0088160000500"
2021-10-29 05:55:19 src/teraform.c:388 [INFO ]: Configuring modem...
2021-10-29 05:55:19 src/teraform.c:432 [INFO ]: Waiting for modem to be available...
2021-10-29 05:55:19 src/teraform.c:451 [INFO ]: Checking IMEI...
2021-10-29 05:55:20 src/teraform.c:451 [INFO ]: IMEI: 300125061274520
2021-10-29 05:55:20 src/teraform.c:478 [INFO ]: Checking ICCID...
2021-10-29 05:55:20 src/teraform.c:478 [INFO ]: ICCID: 8988169763060305628
2021-10-29 05:55:20 src/teraform.c:488 [INFO ]: Disabling flow control...
2021-10-29 05:55:20 src/teraform.c:520 [INFO ]: Waiting for satellite signal...
2021-10-29 05:55:26 src/teraform.c:520 [INFO ]: Found signal of strength 5/5.
2021-10-29 05:55:26 src/teraform.c:530 [INFO ]: Configuring data connection...
2021-10-29 05:55:26 src/teraform.c:564 [INFO ]: Dialing data connection...
2021-10-29 05:55:34 src/teraform.c:564 [INFO ]: Connection dialed.
The modem connection is up.
Brought the rudics connection up successfully.
Teraform v1.1.2 (built 2021-10-27T13:30:04+0000)
2021-10-29 05:55:34 src/teraform.c:364 [INFO ]: Modem: "/dev/ttyS4"
2021-10-29 05:55:37 src/teraform.c:584 [INFO ]: Escaping from data call...
2021-10-29 05:55:38 src/teraform.c:594 [INFO ]: Disconnecting data call...
The serial link has been brought down.
Powering off the modem.
Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
RBRcervello> diagnose gsm
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Starting GSM test
I think the GSM modem is on /dev/ttyS4 at 230400 baud.
Waiting for the modem to come up...
Modem is up.
Waiting for PPP connection to the modem...
Established PPP connection to the modem. Modem identifiers:
IMEI: 867698040840616
IMSI: 302720511124309
ICCID: 89302720523086286725
Waiting for the modem to connect to the GSM network..
Reconnecting for Internet access (1/2)...
Bringing PPP connection down...
Bringing PPP connection back up...
Waiting for the PPP connection to become the default route
Making sure we can access the web...
The modem connection is up.
Brought the gsm connection up successfully.
/usr/local/wirewalker-controller/diagnostics/../publisher/modes/gsm/netpty/bin/netpty: error waiting for fds: Interruptl
messages-read: no process found
The serial link has been brought down.
Powering off the modem.
Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
RBRcervello> diagnose mlm
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Starting MLM test
I think the HEM is on /dev/ttyS3 at 115200 baud.
Trying to wake the HEM...
***command mode***
RBR HEM-1000 1.300 208882
Found HEM 208882.
HEM firmware version 1.300 >= 1.300.
commands now locked
Checking HEM configuration...
Checking: commands now unlocked
baud rate BAUD: 115200
Setting: baud rate BAUD: 115200
Checking: sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Setting: sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Checking: hardware flow control enable HWF: 0
Setting: hardware flow control enable HWF: 0
Checking: poll enable PEN: 0
Setting: poll enable PEN: 0
Checking: poll interval time (min) PINT: 5
Setting: poll interval time (min) PINT: 5
Checking: poll delay time (10ms) PDEL: 500
Setting: poll delay time (10ms) PDEL: 500
Checking: poll display enable PDISP: 0
Setting: poll display enable PDISP: 0
Checking: poll cmd string PCMD: x46,x30,x30
Setting: poll cmd string PCMD: x46,x30,x30
Checking: poll wakeup char enable PWUPEN: 1
Setting: poll wakeup char enable PWUPEN: 1
Checking: poll wakeup char PWUPCHAR: x0F
Setting: poll wakeup char PWUPCHAR: x0F
Checking: poll sleep enable (zzz) PSLPEN: 1
Setting: poll sleep enable (zzz) PSLPEN: 1
Checking: poll address PADD: 00
Setting: poll address PADD: 00
Checking: modem open channel timeout (10ms) MDOCDUR: 1000
Setting: modem open channel timeout (10ms) MDOCDUR: 1000
Checking: modem open channel permanent MDOCPERM: 0
Setting: modem open channel permanent MDOCPERM: 0
Checking: modem maximum retry count MDRTRY: 1
Setting: modem maximum retry count MDRTRY: 1
Checking: transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 256
Setting: transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 256
Checking: transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Setting: transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Checking: transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 1
Setting: transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 1
Checking: transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Setting: transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Checking: transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Setting: transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Checking: transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Setting: transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Checking: transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Setting: transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Checking: transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Setting: transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Checking: transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Setting: transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Checking: transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Setting: transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Checking: transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Setting: transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Checking: ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Setting: ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Checking: ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Setting: ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Ensuring there is no open SSM channel before attempting any channel activity...
channel closed
Channel closed successfully.
Attempting SSM discovery:
discovery requested
Found SSM 208088.
Found SSM 208090.
discovery complete OK
Waiting for channel cooldown...
Opening a channel to the SSM...
channel requested (with ssm 208088)...GRANTED
. RBR SSM-1000 1.300 208088
Opened channel to SSM 208088.
SSM firmware version 1.300 >= 1.300.
. commands now unlocked
Checking SSM configuration...
Checking: . baud rate BAUD: 19200
Setting: . baud rate BAUD: 19200
Checking: . sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Setting: . sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Checking: . RBR logger id retrieval enable LIDEN: 0
Setting: . RBR logger id retrieval enable LIDEN: 0
Checking: . transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 512
Setting: . transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 512
Checking: . transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Setting: . transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Checking: . transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 0
Setting: . transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 0
Checking: . transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Setting: . transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Checking: . transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Setting: . transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Checking: . transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Setting: . transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Checking: . transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Setting: . transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Checking: . transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Setting: . transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Checking: . transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Setting: . transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Checking: . transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Setting: . transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Checking: . transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Setting: . transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Checking: . ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Setting: . ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Checking: . ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Setting: . ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Performing a bit error test to assess loop quality...
(tx) sending ber msg...
.ber : x00000000 / 00004000
Bit error test passed.
. commands now locked
channel closed
Waiting for channel cooldown...
Opening a channel to the SSM...
channel requested (with ssm 208090)...GRANTED
. RBR SSM-1000 1.300 208090
Opened channel to SSM 208090.
SSM firmware version 1.300 >= 1.300.
. commands now unlocked
Checking SSM configuration...
Checking: . baud rate BAUD: 19200
Setting: . baud rate BAUD: 19200
Checking: . sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Setting: . sleep timeout (10ms) ZTO: 1000
Checking: . RBR logger id retrieval enable LIDEN: 0
Setting: . RBR logger id retrieval enable LIDEN: 0
Checking: . transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 512
Setting: . transparent max chars before send TPMXC: 512
Checking: . transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Setting: . transparent send char TPSNDC: x0A
Checking: . transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 0
Setting: . transparent send char enable TPSNDEN: 0
Checking: . transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Setting: . transparent send char as well enable TPSNDC2: 1
Checking: . transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Setting: . transparent char timeout (10ms) TPCTO: 20
Checking: . transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Setting: . transparent char timeout enable TPCTOEN: 1
Checking: . transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Setting: . transparent escape timeout (10ms) TPESCTO: 75
Checking: . transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Setting: . transparent escape timeout enable TPESCTOEN: 1
Checking: . transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Setting: . transparent request ack enable TPACK: 0
Checking: . transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Setting: . transparent display ack enable TPACKDSP: 0
Checking: . transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Setting: . transparent display nak enable TPNAKDSP: 0
Checking: . ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Setting: . ber pattern BERPAT: RAND
Checking: . ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Setting: . ber length (bytes) BERLEN: x0800
Performing a bit error test to assess loop quality...
(tx) sending ber msg...
.ber : x00000000 / 00004000
Bit error test passed.
. commands now locked
channel closed
Waiting for channel cooldown... commands now locked
MLM communication looks good.
Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
RBRcervello> diagnose calibrate-airmar-compass 2
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Are you sure you want to begin a compass calibration sequence on port 2? (y/N) y
Powering on port 2...
Waiting for the station to boot up
Station ready!
Temporarily stopping station streaming...
Ready to start the calibration sequence!
The calibration sequence requires at least one full
slow circular turn of the station within 2-3 minutes
of starting the sequence.
Are you ready to start the compass calibration sequence? (y/N) y
Starting the calibration sequence!
Please complete at least one SLOW circular turn of
the station now.
Waiting for the calibration to complete
Calibration successful!