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config-check [-h|--help] | [-v|–version]

config-check [-c|--config-file <device>]


-h, --help                  Displays this help message and exits.

-v, --version               Outputs version information and exits.

-c, --config-file <device>  Shows configuration file for a supported device.

The supported devices are the following:

  • instrument<XX>  displays the corresponding deployment.json configuration file of an instrument, where XX is the instrument number. 

  • cervello displays the user configuration of the RBRcervello.


Checks RBR configuration. Displays in an interactive manner the current configuration of the RBRcervello or one of the configured instruments. Uses arrow keys to scroll the configuration; Q to exit.


RBRcervello> config-check -c cervello 
Showing configuration file of cervello.
    "file": {
        "date": "20210814000000",
        "version": "3.0.0",
        "schema": "0011713",
        "customer": "RBR"
    "controller": {
        "battery_period": 600,
        "deep_sleep": {
            "enabled": false,
            "deep_sleep_duration": 3600
        "clock_sync_timeout": 43200
    "gps": {
        "enabled": true,
        "period": 600,
        "fix_timeout": 60,
        "hdop_threshold": 1.5
    "telemetry": {
        "enabled": true,
        "force_period": 3600,
        "mode": ["gsm", "rudics"],
        "gsm": {
            "failures_before_unavailable": 3,
            "retry_period": 7200,
            "apn": "auto",
            "destination": ""
        "rudics": {
            "failures_before_unavailable": 3,
            "retry_period": 7200,
            "dial": "00881600005385"
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