Airmar weather station troubleshooting
Diagnostic task
This calibration sequence requires the RBRcervello to be mounted with the Airmar station in the buoy. If the system does not have an Airmar weather station, omit this step.
After finishing the previous test, wait for the "RBRcervello>" prompt to appear again. Type "diagnose calibrate-airmar-compass -p 4
" and press "Enter". This script will request the user to do a slow circular turn of the buoy to compensate the compass for any nearby structures that might affect the compass readings.
RBRcervello> diagnose calibrate-airmar-compass -p 4
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Are you sure you want to begin a compass calibration sequence on port 4? (y/N) y
Powering on port 4...
Waiting for the station to boot up
Station ready!
Temporarily stopping station streaming...
Ready to start the calibration sequence!
The calibration sequence requires at least one full
slow circular turn of the station within 2-3 minutes
of starting the sequence.
Are you ready to start the compass calibration sequence? (y/N) y
Starting the calibration sequence!
Please complete at least one SLOW circular turn of
the station now.
Waiting for the calibration to complete
Calibration successful!
Calibration failed
The Airmar station might reject a calibration sequence if it determines the data quality is not good enough. In such a case, repeat the process at different turning speeds to improve the quality of the calibration.
RBRcervello> diagnose calibrate-airmar-compass -p 4
Stopping services...
Waiting for publisher to terminate...
Stopping periodic command scheduler: cron.
Are you sure you want to begin a compass calibration sequence on port 4? (y/N) y
Powering on port 4...
Waiting for the station to boot up
Station ready!
Temporarily stopping station streaming...
Ready to start the calibration sequence!
The calibration sequence requires at least one full
slow circular turn of the station within 2-3 minutes
of starting the sequence.
Are you ready to start the compass calibration sequence? (y/N) y
Starting the calibration sequence!
Please complete at least one SLOW circular turn of
the station now.
Waiting for the calibration to complete
Calibration failed! Please try again...