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General overview

The RBRcervata data controller acts as a removable storage and power device for conventional RBR data loggers. Upon connection to the data/power port of a logger, the RBRcervata provides external power and continuously downloads from the data logger's internal storage to the SDXC card internal to the data controller. Based on its own configuration, the data controller may also reconfigure the data logger as necessary. It was designed to be deployed adjacent to, and in support of, RBRquartz BPR and APT instruments. To facilitate easy bulk data retrieval from the system, the SD card can be removed from the data controller and connected to a desktop computer in order to retrieve the data.

An instrument can be connected to or disconnected from the RBRcervata at any time. Power delivery to an attached instrument is constant, regardless of the state of the data controller, including deep sleep.

Data collection

The RBRcervata will periodically download data from the attached instrument. And, when the instrument's internal storage gets too full, the data controller will stop and restart the deployment to minimize downtime.

Datasets are stored on the SD card in the data/ directory. Datasets are stored in an RSK format compatible with Ruskin. Data within these RSKs is only minimally processed, and each dataset must be opened with Ruskin at least once before it can be opened with RSKtools.

Storage format

The data controller can use SD, SDHC, or SDXC memory cards which are formatted with ext2/3/4, or FAT32 filesystem. (exFAT is not supported.) The system ships with a 128GB, FAT32-formatted SDXC card installed, which is sufficient to store around three years of 10-channel, 32Hz data.

Energy conservation

The RBRcervata will enter a deep sleep mode whenever it is not downloading from the connected instrument. It will periodically wake itself, download any new data from the instrument, then return to sleep. The sleep duration can be configured to balance the trade-off between power consumption and the recency of data upon retrieval of the data controller.

Deployment management

The RBRcervata has an RS232 diagnostic port that can be accessed via the MINK connector for post-2021 models, for previous ones it can be accessed via the internal DB9 port. This port exposes a fully featured linux terminal using 'rbash' with a set of scripts that enable the user to manage the behaviour of the data controller. The RBRcervata is able to alter instrument deployment parameters according to its internal configuration (e.g., sampling rate, bursting parameters). When an instrument's existing configuration doesn't match that which the data controller expects, it will stop and redeploy the instrument.

Removable storage status

Green LEDRed LEDMeaning
​OffOff​The system is powered down or is in deep sleep​.
OnOnImmediately upon power-on, both LEDs are illuminated.
OffBlinkingThe data controller is writing to the SD card as it downloads from a connected instrument, or as it collects internal diagnostic information.
OnOffThe data controller is powered and running normally, and the SD card is not being actively used. It should enter deep sleep shortly after.

Support kit

The RBRcervata ships with a support kit that includes the following:

  • 1x O-ring removal tool.
  • 1x Silicone grease.
  • 5x O-ring 2-243, RBR #0002408
  • 5x Backing ring 8-243 RBR #0009115
  • 1x Desiccant canister.
  • 1x 128GB USB/USB-C drive.
  • 1x USB/USB-C Card reader.

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