This is a current, but partial, list of error messages which the logger can produce. There are some messages which can not appear under normal operating conditions relevant to OEM users, and for the sake of simplicity these have not been included. 

Each message begins with Ennnn, where nnnn is a 4-digit decimal number, padded with leading zeroes if necessary. The number allows host software to interpret the error code as desired if the rather terse messages from the logger are unsuitable for any reason.

Note that some messages may be followed by variable elements not shown here.

List of error messages

||E0101| command parser busy|
||E0102| invalid command '<unknown-command-name>'|
||E0103| protected command, use 'permit <command>'|
||E0104| feature not yet implemented|
||E0105| command prohibited while logging|
||E0107| expected argument missing|
||E0108| invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>'|
||E0109| feature not available|
||E0110| buffer full|
||E0111| command failed|
||E0112| expected data missing| 
||E0113| invalid data|
||E0114| feature not supported by hardware|
||E0300| unknown error|
||E0301| memory erase not completed|
||E0400| unknown error|
||E0401| estimated memory usage exceeds capacity|
||E0402| memory not empty, erase first|
||E0403| end time must be after start time|
||E0404| end time must be after current time|
||E0405| failed to enable for logging|
||E0406| not logging, stop = <logger-status>|
||E0408| logging already active|
||E0409| uncleared error, use 'errorlog'|
||E0410| no sampling channels active|
||E0411| period not valid for selected mode|
||E0412| burst parameters inconsistent|
||E0413| period too short for serial streaming|
||E0414| thresholding interval not valid|
||E0415| more than one gating condition is enabled|
||E0416| wrong regimes settings|
||E0417| no gating allowed with regimes mode|
||E0418| cast detection needs a pressure/depth channel|
||E0419| calibration coefficients are missing|
||E0420| required channel is turned off; <channel-index>|
||E0421| raw output format not allowed|
||E0422| AUX1 not available in current serial mode|
||E0423| wrong ddsampling settings|
||E0500| unknown error|
||E0501| item is not configured|
||E0502| configuration failed|
||E0503| all available channels assigned|
||E0504| address already in use|
||E0505| no channels configured|
||E0506| can not create calibration entry|
||E0507| can not delete calibration entry|
||E0600| unknown error|
||E0601| no calibration for channel '<channel-index>'|