An RBRconcerto Alti has a RBRalti sensor which outputs distance and echo timing. Only distance is reported by the RBRconcerto. 

Full, in-situ derivation of distance from echo timing requires an average speed of sound over the path used by the sound.

Distance is a 'pure' derived parameter which has its own channel assigned to it, but there is no underlying measurement hardware for distance itself; it simply uses the outputs of the echo timing channel and the average speed of sound setting. This makes its specification rather sparse: there are no coefficients in either of the 'c' or 'x' groups; all that is needed is to specify the indices in the 'n' group.

In our example:

The distance is calculated as follow:


Example commands:

>> calibration 1 type
<< calibration 1 type = alti00

( Confirm the channel type )

>> calibration 1

<< calibration 1 type = alti00, datetime = 20130401120013,  n0 = 2, n1 = value

( Request confirmation of everything )