This document applies only to RBR hardware that responds to the id command with a fwtype parameter value of 103.  When connected to the Ruskin software, this is identifiable via the 'Generation' label which reads "Early 2015".


||E0101| command parser busy|
||E0102| invalid command '<unknown-command-name>'|
||E0103| protected command, use 'permit <command>'|
||E0104| feature not yet implemented|
||E0105| command prohibited while logging|
||E0107| expected argument missing|
||E0108| invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>'|
||E0109| feature not available|
||E0110| buffer full|
||E0111| command failed|
||E0112| expected data missing| 
||E0113| invalid data|
||E0114| feature not supported by hardware|
||E0300| unknown error|
||E0301| memory erase not completed|
||E0400| unknown error|
||E0401| estimated memory usage exceeds capacity|
||E0402| memory not empty, erase first|
||E0403| end time must be after start time|
||E0404| end time must be after current time|
||E0405| failed to enable for logging|
||E0406| not logging, stop = <logger-status>|
||E0408| logging already active|
||E0409| uncleared error, use 'errorlog'|
||E0410| no sampling channels active|
||E0411| period not valid for selected mode|
||E0412| burst parameters inconsistent|
||E0413| period too short for serial streaming|
||E0414| thresholding interval not valid|
||E0415| more than one gating condition is enabled|
||E0416| wrong regimes settings|
||E0417| no gating allowed with regimes mode|
||E0418| cast detection needs a pressure/depth channel|
||E0419| calibration coefficients are missing|
||E0420| required channel is turned off; <channel-index>|
||E0500| unknown error|
||E0501| item is not configured|
||E0502| configuration failed|
||E0503| all available channels assigned|
||E0504| address already in use|
||E0505| no channels configured|
||E0506| can not create calibration entry|
||E0507| can not delete calibration entry|
||E0600| unknown error|
||E0601| no calibration for channel '<channel-index>'|