corr_rinkotemp - temperature measured by a Rinko DO sensor
RBR data loggers support the integration of the Rinko-III dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor from JFE Advantech. In addition to the raw DO sensing element, this sensor also provides an output representing temperature, for the purpose of compensating the temperature dependence of the DO output. That compensation is described in a later section (see Example 5: corr_rinko - Correction of Rinko Dissolved Oxygen using Rinko Temperature sensor); this section describes how temperature is derived from the Rinko-III temperature output, which requires its own channel in the logger in order to be monitored.
This is not strictly a 'corrected' output channel, as it has no dependence on any other channel in the logger. However it does make use of the x-group of coefficients, commonly used by corrected channels, to describe the behaviour of the logger electronics, whereas the primary coefficients in the c-group represent the behaviour of the sensor itself; it is useful to keep them in separate groups.
The equation is:
The output of the temperature sensor is a voltage V, which is related to the logger's reported voltage ratio R by a simple linear equation, the coefficients of which (x0,x1) are determined by RBR Ltd at the factory. The primary coefficients c0...c3 are provided by JFE Advantech for the cubic polynomial which relates the voltage V to the temperature output T in °C.
>> calibration 5 type
<< calibration 5 type = temp01
Confirm the channel type.
>> calibration 5 datetime = 20171201120000, c0 = -5.65608, c1 = 16.80047, c2 = -2.253705, c3 = 0.4827284
Set the core coefficients for the temperature output.
>> calibration 5 datetime = 20171201120005, x0 = 6.782656, x1 = -9.257345
Set the secondary coefficients for the voltage conversion.
>> calibration 5
<< calibration 5 type = temp01, datetime = 20171201120005, c0 = -5.65608, c1 = 16.80047, c2 = -2.253705, c3 = 0.4827284, x0 = 6.782656, x1 = -9.257345
Request confirmation of all calibration coefficients.