>> confirmation [ state ]
Returns the state of the logger's confirmation responses, normally sent after a parameter has been modified if the state is on. If the state is off, successful parameter modifications occur without confirmation messages.
state [= <state>]
on, the confirmation is sent
off, the confirmation is suppressed.
A change of the on/off state takes place immediately, so for example there will be no confirmation of the command which turns it off.
There are several situations in which the suppression does not occur even if the state is off, here are some points to note:
Requests to simply report a parameter always generate output.
Error messages resulting from a failed attempt to set a parameter are always sent.
Some 'action' commands such as enable always generate a confirmation message.
The "Ready: " prompt is controlled separately by the prompt command.
Turning confirmation off is not normally recommended, unless there is a very good reason for doing so.
>> confirmation
<< confirmation state = on
>> confirmation state = off
Confirmation of a parameter change is immediately suppressed.
>> deployment starttime
<< starttime = 20171207130000
All commands are with confirmation state = off. A request for information always provokes a response.
>> deployment starttime = 120601120000
<< E0108 invalid argument to command: '120601120000'
A failed attempt to set a parameter still provokes a response.
>> deployment starttime = 20171201120000
Response suppressed if parameter is successfully changed.
Error E0108 invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>'
An unrecognized argument was given.