>> clock [ datetime | offsetfromutc ]
Retrieve or set the logger's current date and time:
datetime [= <YYYYMMDDhhmmss>], reports or sets the current date and time.
offsetfromutc [= <+/-hh.hh>] is intended to record the local timezone used when the logger was deployed, as an offset from Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). This can facilitate correct interpretation of the time information, even if the downloaded data file is reviewed in a different time zone. The offset is specified in hours; fractional hours are permitted to support time zones which require this, and the offset is always reported to two decimal places. When specifying a value, any simple numeric format compatible with floating point representation may be used; for example 11, +11, or 11.00 would all be accepted. Setting this parameter does not change the logger's time as reported by the datetime parameter; it is intended simply as a record of the local time zone. However, setting the date and time using the datetime parameter erases this setting; it must be restored if necessary. By default the parameter is in the erased state, in which case it is reported as unknown.
>> clock
<< clock datetime = 20170401120000, offsetfromutc = +1.00
>> clock datetime = 20170401120130
<< clock datetime = 20170401120130
>> clock
<< clock datetime = 20170401120130, offsetfromutc = unknown
Error E0105 command prohibited while logging
Date/time may not be modified while logging is in progress; reading is permitted.
Error E0108 invalid argument to command: '<invalid-argument>'
The supplied argument was not a valid date/time.