

>> getall




This is a read-only command which reports all the information and settings in the logger. It reports all the parameters and settings in use by the logger. It outputs the result over several lines unlike standard commands. If a feature is unavailable, its associated command result will not be part of the getall.


>> getall
<< serial baudrate = 115200, mode = rs232, availablebaudrates = 115200|19200|9600|4800|2400|1200|230400|460800, availablemodes = rs232|rs485f|uart|uart_idlelow
prompt state = on
confirmation state = on
link type = usb
streamusb state = off
streamserial state = off, aux1_enabled = false, aux1_setup = 1000, aux1_hold = 1000, aux1_active = high, aux1_sleep = tristate
power source = usb, int = 0.00, ext = 0.00
powerinternal batterytype = none, capacity = 0.000e+000, used = 0.000e+000
powerexternal batterytype = other, capacity = 0.000e+000, used = 0.000e+000
meminfo used = 834, remaining = 1056963096, size = 1056964608
memformat type = rawbin00, newtype = calbin00
settings fetchpoweroffdelay = 8000, sensorpoweralwayson = off, temperature = 15.0000, atmosphere = 10.1325010, pressure = 10.1325, density = 1.0260209, speccondtempco = 0.0191, salinity = 35.0000, avgsoundspeed = 1506.8000, altitude = 0.0000, castdetection = off, inputtimeout = 10000
clock datetime = 20000101041228, offsetfromutc = unknown
sampling mode = continuous, period = 20000, burstlength = 10, burstinterval = 300000, gate = none, userperiodlimit = 500, availablefastperiods = 500
twistactivation enabled = false, state = n/a
ddsampling direction = ascending, fastperiod = 1000, slowperiod = 5000, fastthreshold = 3.0, slowthreshold = 3.0
deployment starttime = 20000101000000, endtime = 20991231235959, status = stopped
calibration 1 label = temperature_00, datetime = 20000401000000, c0 = 3.5000000e-003, c1 = -250.00002e-006, c2 = 2.7000000e-006, c3 = 23.000000e-009 || calibration 2 label = pressure_00, datetime = 20000401000000, c0 = 0.0000000e+000, c1 = 1.0000000e+000, c2 = 0.0000000e+000, c3 = 0.0000000e+000, x0 = 0.0000000e+000, x1 = 0.0000000e+000, x2 = 0.0000000e+000, x3 = 0.0000000e+000, x4 = 0.0000000e+000, x5 = 0.0000000e+000, n0 = value || calibration 3 label = phycoerythrin_00, datetime = 20000401000000, c0 = 0.0000000e+000, c1 = 1.0000000e+000 || calibration 4 label = seapressure_00, datetime = 20000401000000, n0 = value, n1 = value || calibration 5 label = depth_00, datetime = 20000401000000, n0 = value, n1 = value
outputformat type = caltext01, availabletypes = caltext01|caltext02|caltext03|caltext04|caltext07, labelslist = temperature_00|pressure_00|phycoerythrin_00|seapressure_00|depth_00
simulation state = off, period = 3600000
id model = RBRconcerto3, version = 1.000, serial = 999999, fwtype = 104
info pn = n/a
hwrev pcb = J, cpu = 5659A, bsl = A
channels count = 5, on = 5, settlingtime = 600, readtime = 350, minperiod = 500
channel 1 type = temp09, module = 1, status = on, settlingtime = 50, readtime = 260, equation = tmp, userunits = C, label = temperature_00 || channel 2 type = pres24, module = 2, status = on, settlingtime = 50, readtime = 290, equation = corr_pres2, userunits = dbar, label = pressure_00 || channel 3 type = fluo00, module = 40, status = on, settlingtime = 600, readtime = 350, equation = lin, userunits = ug/L, label = phycoerythrin_00 || channel 4 type = pres08, module = 240, status = on, settlingtime = 0, readtime = 0, equation = deri_seapres, userunits = dbar, label = seapressure_00 || channel 5 type = dpth01, module = 241, status = on, settlingtime = 0, readtime = 0, equation = deri_depth, userunits = m, label = depth_00
sensor 1 || sensor 2 || sensor 3 || sensor 4 || sensor 5
wifi enabled = false, state = n/a, timeout = 60, commandtimeout = 60, baudrate = 921600
postprocessing status = idle, channels = mean(pressure_00)|mean(temperature_00)|mean(phycoerythrin_00), tstamp_min = 20000101000000, tstamp_max = 20991231235959, binsize = 1.0, binreference = tstamp, depth_min = -10.0, depth_max= 15000.0, binfilter = none

