Document version history






New fast sampling periods added to sampling command
Added channels temp11, temp16, temp17, doxy23, doxy27, opt_07, opt_14 channels type.

JmL06Deb2017ANew numbering scheme for documentation.

Documented Deployment Header version 1.014.
ddsampling command added.
Updated events for  directional dependent sampling (EasyParse format events markers and Standard format events markers).
Updated sampling command.
Updated error codes for verify, regimes and regime commands.  


Documented Deployment Header version 1.013.
sensor command documentation updated.
settings command documentation updated.
Added acc_00, mag_00, echo01, alti00, doxy22 and doxy23 to list of supported channel types. 
Added distance calculation example.
Added O2 concentration compensation and air saturation calculation example.


Documented the simulated data mode; see the simulation command, id command, and version 1.011 of the deployment header.
Added doxy13, pres23, temp13, tran02, cond07, temp14, phas00, fluo35 channel types.
Updated names reported by channelslist parameter to outputformat command
Minor improvement to description of channel command.
Corrected description of Serial mode in the Deployment Header section. 


Added peri00, peri01, bpr_08, bpr_09 channel types.
Updated quick start documentation for High resolution BPR for cabled ocean observatories.
Added example for deri_bprpres and deri_bprtemp.
Updated documentation for bpr command. 
Added new sensor command.
Added E0509 to list of error messages. 
Updated description of Deployment Header to version 1.010.
Updated description of calibration command for number of coefficients which may be changed.
Added a short summary table of Deployment Header versions.
Updated quickstart for float integration
Updated documentation for regime command. 
Updated documentation for EasyParse format.
Various formatting improvements. 


Added offsetfromutc and speccondtempco parameters to settings command and description of deployment header.
Documented effect of the now command on offsetfromutc.
Added cond03, scon00 channel types.
Added example for specific conductivity equation, deri_speccond.
Updated and corrected description of corr_cond equation.
Updated upper limit for sample period within bursts.
Added description of factory default settings for serial command.
caltext03 / caltext04 output formats updated in the outputformat command.
Added sos_00, bpr_04, bpr_05, bpr_06, bpr_07 channel types.
Added speed of sound equation example. 


Events marker corrected for threshold start/pause and switch to internal/external battery.
Security updated for the settings command.
Error conditions which may replace channel values in real time output are now documented under the outputformat command. 
Added quick start for BPR users on ocean cabled observatories.
bpr command updated. 


Added the Section "Parsing logger responses".
Changed 'off' to tristate for the streamserial aux1_sleep parameter.
Added suggestions for failure recovery procedures to description of status command (also referenced from the enable command).
Corrected description of sleep command.
Added description of the sleepafter option to the fetch command.
Description of equation for temperature compensation of pressure updated to describe cubic correction.
Clarified the number format used for gains, described in the channel command.
Updated or removed references to older channel types and equations for pressure and temperature.
Section "Other deployment settings" renamed "Real time data".
Description of altitude command moved to section "Other information". 
Updated description of command regime.
Updated description of command status.
Quickstart for float integration updated.
Added channel type cnt_00.
Added notes about channel type cnt_00 to the sections "Integrating with a profiling float", "EasyParse format events markers" and "Standard format events markers".
Added measurement_count to the channelslist decription in the outputformat command.

GmJ / JmL24Nov20141.0

Modernized descriptions of now, stop commands.
Documented the reboot command.
Documented the new sleep command.
Added descriptions of the AUX1 control parameters to the streamserial command
Documented new error codes to verify and enable commands.
Updated description of memformat and enable commands.
Updated table of supported channel types.
Updated tables of error codes.
Updated description of deployment header, v1.008.
Added descriptions of Rinko (B) equations.
Removed all redundant references to old firmware and hardware revisions.
Minor corrections to formatting, spelling, etc.
Updated outputformat command to reflect new output formats available.
Updated regime command with a binsize of 0. 
Updated description of standard format events markers.




Initial release (forked from 0000161rev14) of "Early 2014" document